Friday, September 08, 2006

If you have a gmail account, did you know that it was like having hundreds?

Suppose your account is, mails to the following addresses reach you:; add any number of dots to your email. Gmail just ignores them. However required while signing-in; be nice to your friends from UK/Germany who have some problem with gmail; add a plus sign followed by a word. Have one for work, one for fun, one for future-spamsters

Creativity, thy name is Google.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Arvind educated me about about Conway’s law today. Conway says that the architecture of a system reflects the structure of the organization which built it. Are most of the anomalies in software architecture a result of less-than-perfect amalgamation of multiple products to form a system? Appears to me like, amalgamation is not just a technical skill but also an art of management, and the more abstract the amalgamation gets the more the need for good management skills.

Does it appear to you like I am building a case for the need for management education for techies?

PS: Wrote this post using writely and posted it from there. If you have not yet tried using writely, you need to try that soon to be rightly on track.